DINCO develops Merrill Crowe plant for Orla Mining

Contributing to the development of a region and country is also an important goal in which every project DINCO develops en executes for its clients. As of this moment, DINCO’s team is not only proud but also committed to bringing in good terms the Camino Rojo Oxide Gold Project located in Zacatecas, Mexico. In this project, we participate with in-detail engineering, along with fabrication, on-site delivery, and mounting of the required Merill Crowe required.

Orla Mining and gold oxide

With Zacatecas being a region with a long mining tradition, there still are opportunities for this sector. Orla Mining, the Canadian mining company, builds a gold oxide project with the goal to develop the semi-desert area potential.

Studies developed before had results that at the beginning of 2021 the gold mineral reserves raised by 54% along with the life shelf time by 3.5 years. The mining company also completed feasibility studies, detailed engineering, and the beginning of construction.

Feasibility study

The feasibility study done considers the open-air extraction of 67.4 million tons of oxide and transition mineral with an 18 million tons per day transition. The mineral well will be grinding at 80%, the transporter will be piled above an in-pile leaching platform with a low concentration cyanide sodium solution. The solution will be processed in a Merrill Crowe recovery plant where the gold and silver precipitates will produce the browning.

Camino Rojo Merrill Crowe plant

The Merill Crowe plant that will be used in the Camino Rojo project is a result of engineering, technology, and manufacturing at DINCO, in which human and technical crew will be part of the design, on-site delivery, and mounting.

At DINCO we are sure that the Merrill Crowe plant will contribute to the success of Camino Rojo, as every day we work focused on delivering on time a precise and trustworthy plant that helps the extraction of minerals forecasted by Orla Mining.