Steel Structures and their use in the Mining Industry

Mining is an economic activity motor in two ways, it is at a local level as the environment where there is mining activity the communities and regions are benefited; they need steel structures to function.

The search for new materials has been constant in societies. Rocks and minerals provide an infinity of chemical elements and materials that we use every day on a daily basis, for example, in construction, automotive, chemical, oil, and more industries. We cannot ignore the huge quantity of mineral prime materials that help us live as we live today; the steel industry is an example of that.

Metallic structures are substantial for mining infrastructure construction, without them mining would just not exist today. Towers, pressure tanks, flotation plants, Merrill Crowe plants, and thickeners are part of the technical equipment that miners require.

About metallic structures, their functionality has turned them into the most effective option for space management and bases for equipment, and there actually exists a notable offer of innovative structures that provide security.

The most trustful and resisting ally for the mining industry is the metallic structures, but also for construction and oil and gas industry since they all require big structures to be able to operate. Steel is the most important material in structures, as it possesses qualities that bring support, resistance, durability, and strength for mining projects, with structures of big size and height.

At DINCO we have a long and tested history of constructing Steel based metallic structures for the mining and oil and gas industry. Our bolted structures and specialized boiler work have been sent to different mines around the world and we are proud to say that through our design, fabrication, on-site delivery, and installation we had been part of communities’ and countries’ development.

The mining sector gives basic supplies for the functionality of production chains, in such a way that promoting and protecting it cannot be ignored.