Steel and Mining

Mining is defined as the set of activities performed in a deposit to obtain resources. This is achieved through the exploitation or extraction of minerals accumulated in the soil and subsoil.

Mining, along with the minerals and metals extracted through this activity, plays a crucial role in the economic and social development of countries.

According to official figures from the Mexican government, Latin America remains the primary destination for exploration investment, accounting for 25% of the global total (one out of every four dollars invested in mining worldwide goes to Latin America).

Specifically, Mexico ranks as the second-highest destination for exploration budgets in Latin America, according to the annual S&P Global Market Intelligence report.

Mining in Latin America is not only significant on a global scale but also expanding. Countries with substantial mining activity in this region, such as Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, are increasing their production capacity.

According to data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Chile is the leading copper producer, Brazil ranks third in iron production, Mexico is the top silver producer, and Peru is among the top producers of silver, copper, gold, and lead.

In other countries with potential, regulatory frameworks are being reviewed to foster the development of the mining sector.

The mining process involves not only the phases of extraction, concentration, smelting, and refining of minerals but also the preliminary exploration stage.

This part of the process is considered fundamental in economic terms as it generates employment, economic spillover, and significant investment amounts.

The demand for steel products by the automotive and civil construction industries is well known, but the demand from the mining industry is less recognized.

The exploitation of mineral deposits requires the use of steel in various forms due to its impact resistance, high mechanical strength, and abrasion resistance. The steel products for mining that the steel industry markets are diverse, as mining depends on them for the proper extraction and treatment of minerals.

As mentioned earlier, Latin America hosts several countries with a long mining tradition and others that have recently joined large-scale mining.

Some countries are working on their legislation to promote significant mining development. The steel and metalworking industries support this development with various steel products.

With its top-notch engineering, DINCO manufactures bolted structures, mechanical equipment, ASME code tanks, and specialized boiler-making for mining, oil, gas, and transformation industries.

By participating in major mining projects worldwide, our company undoubtedly contributes to mining development through the creation of machinery that supports the work of this industry, which relies on steel products for its performance and for which DINCO is a recognized supplier.