The Nozomi Raz Robot specializes in fabrication, cutting and assembly of steel pieces with an extreme precision, and to create a perfect assembly the previous cut must be impeccable. The equipment to make this type of cutting is of the best technology and the result reflects it as well. At DINCO we have already installed …

Metallurgy and Telecommunications

Metallurgy and telecommunications are intertwined with each other, as the first has properties and elements used in many structures that support the second one. Along with the metallurgic industry, steel is an ally of mining, oil, and gas for the same reason. It is fabricated under controlled standards and very precise norms. Steel is the …


Many countries’ economic development is based on the steel, oil, and gas industry. This industry is the source not only for employment but also it is essential for the economic operation and evolution on a worldwide and local level, as it offers progress and value. The oil and gas industry includes exploration, extraction, refining, transportation …


With the technological advancements in the last century, all types of industries benefited. Engineering and construction are no exception to this. Those projects of yesteryear had open the path to other amazing and novel ones, helping the human being to build large, solid, and resistant structures. In those advancements, we can find 3D Modeling. Several …

Steel Structures and their use in the Mining Industry

Mining is an economic activity motor in two ways, it is at a local level as the environment where there is mining activity the communities and regions are benefited; they need steel structures to function. The search for new materials has been constant in societies. Rocks and minerals provide an infinity of chemical elements and …

ASME Code, Tanks Manufacturing at DINCO

One of DINCO’s main labors is a fabrication for several kinds of industries, which we have been able to develop for more than a decade. In this sense, one of our manufacturing distinctive is tanks under the ASME Code. The under-pressure design and manufacturing have been studied since the XVIII century, which, along time established …


Without a doubt, this 2022 is for DINCO a year of growth and development. After the COVID-19 pandemic in which economy and businesses worldwide were affected, nevertheless industries have taken their course and the development and growth keep going. In this sense, DINCO is no exception and in face of the challenges that the world …

Gold and silver precipitates in the Merrill Crowe process

For the extractive metallurgic of gold and silver, the Merrill Crowe process is the one used the most. It is with this process that through leaching in piles, treatment to cyanide liquors obtained is given, and it is of fundamental importance the processing of the precipitates produced, with the goal of recovering the gold and …

DINCO develops Merrill Crowe plant for Orla Mining

Contributing to the development of a region and country is also an important goal in which every project DINCO develops en executes for its clients. As of this moment, DINCO’s team is not only proud but also committed to bringing in good terms the Camino Rojo Oxide Gold Project located in Zacatecas, Mexico. In this …

Steel Industry Prospections for 2022

You cannot think about economic development without having Steel in mind, as it is, even with the pandemic and the economic world crisis it brought, a sector that has been recovering little by little. Therefore we consider it important to be aware of the Steel industry prospection for 2022. Steel has a fundamental role in …