of Steel Projects, Bulk Handling & Ore
Processing Systems, and Specialized plate work
for the Mining and Oil & Gas industries


We are a company that provides precise solutions in the mechanical metal and civil buildings industry that seeks repeat clients through direct assignment through:

Delivery of projects 100% on time and 100% complete, with excellent safety and quality, always within budget and with the client constantly informed of the correct development of their project. Committed to continuous improvement to increase our client portfolio and provide a safe environment for our collaborators.

We are a company that provides precise solutions in the mechanical metal and civil buildings industry that seeks repeat clients through direct assignment through:

Delivery of projects 100% on time and 100% complete, with excellent safety and quality, always within budget and with the client constantly informed of the correct development of their project. Committed to continuous improvement to increase our client portfolio and provide a safe environment for our collaborators.


To be the most efficient structural steel solution provider in the world


Be coherent and authentic
To practice honor and gratitude to the team
To recognize limitations in order to be overcomed
Act in a straight and impeccable way
Practice equity based on merit
Be ambitious for results
To rise quickly
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Be coherent and authentic
To practice honor and gratitude to the team
To recognize limitations in order to be overcomed
Act in a straight and impeccable way
Practice equity based on merit
Be ambitious for results
To rise quickly
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DINCO was founded in 2005 by two mechanical engineers, father and son, with a mechanical mounting operation, industrial and project engineering maintenance. Since then, growth of the operation has been defined as one of diversifying the clients catalog with total reinvestment decisions that has allowed making a vertical integration to absorb activities that were formerly subcontracted. Since the beginning, the vision has been clear: To be a source of solutions for our clients throughout operative efficiency.

As of today, we have ISO 9001:2015 and ASME BPVC Certifications, supported by a team of professionals in different areas: engineers, architects, business administration, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, maintenance technicians, project and quality managers, financial and economy experts.

Our facilities are located on “Complejo Industrial Chihuahua” (Chihuahua Industry Complex), on 6,200 square meters with machinery to produce in an efficient way. Part of the technical resources are NC machines and robots.

A distinctive characteristic of DINCO is that 100% of the electric energy consumed is provided by renewable energy.